Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
July 25, 2024

Benchmark International Facilitates Acquisition of Mideast Delivery Solutions by SPS Health


  • Mideast Delivery Solutions successfully facilitated a transaction with SPS Health, securing a strong foothold in the healthcare logistics market.
  • Mideast Delivery Solutions, established in 2014, specializes in timely and secure pharmaceutical and healthcare supply deliveries, prioritizing client satisfaction and efficient logistics.
  • The acquisition of Mideast Delivery Solutions by SPS Health will ensure seamless operations, improved patient outcomes, and increased efficiency for healthcare providers, ultimately enhancing healthcare services for the community.
  • Mideast Delivery Solutions, a leader in healthcare logistics, has been acquired by SPS Health, integrating advanced technologies to improve patient care and operational efficiency.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters as it highlights a successful business transaction that will impact the pharmaceutical and healthcare supply delivery industry. The acquisition will likely result in improved services and solutions for healthcare providers, ultimately benefiting patients and the overall healthcare industry.


Benchmark International successfully facilitated the transaction between Mideast Delivery Solutions and SPS Health. Mideast Delivery Solutions, a leader in pharmaceutical and healthcare supply delivery, was acquired by SPS Health, a provider of comprehensive solutions for healthcare providers. The transaction was praised by both parties, with the seller expressing gratitude for the smooth process and the buyer expressing excitement for the acquisition.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Benchmark International Facilitates Acquisition of Mideast Delivery Solutions by SPS Health

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