Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
January 19, 2024

BEK TV Announces Premiere of 'Open Range' Show, Offers New Insights on ND Topics


  • BEK TV's 'Open Range' offers a unique perspective on North Dakota, providing a competitive advantage in understanding local issues.
  • BEK TV's 'Open Range' is an hour-long program airing Monday through Friday at 9pm CT, covering a wide range of topics affecting North Dakotans.
  • BEK TV's 'Open Range' aims to foster unity and understanding among North Dakotans by celebrating the state's values, culture, and people.
  • BEK TV's 'Open Range' will feature a weekly segment titled 'Glory Days' celebrating notable individuals who have achieved success in diverse fields.

Impact - Why it Matters

The premiere of 'Open Range' is important as it offers North Dakotans a platform for education, engagement, and unity, encouraging viewers to think critically and make informed decisions. The show will provide comprehensive insights into the issues affecting the state, celebrate the achievements of notable North Dakotans, and promote a newfound appreciation for the state's natural beauty.


BEK TV announces the premiere of 'Open Range,' a new weekday program hosted by North Dakota native Gary Emineth. The show will focus on a wide variety of issues affecting North Dakotans, aiming to provide viewers with comprehensive insights into the matters that shape the state. The program will also feature a weekly segment celebrating notable North Dakotans who have achieved success in diverse fields, as well as showcase the natural beauty of the state.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by Read the source press release here, BEK TV Announces Premiere of 'Open Range' Show, Offers New Insights on ND Topics

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