Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
March 19, 2024

Author and Entrepreneur John A. Gehrisch Launches 'The Golf Pro Has Heart' on Amazon


  • Gain an advantage in personal and professional relationships by unlocking the secrets of lasting happiness from 'The Golf Pro Has Heart' book.
  • The book 'The Golf Pro Has Heart' is divided into two parts: 'Golf Gimmes' provides an insider's view of professional golf, while 'Hole Numbers' explores relationship-focused chapters.
  • The book 'The Golf Pro Has Heart' aims to contribute to a fulfilling, happy, and loving long-term relationship, making the world a better place by spreading love and happiness.
  • The book 'The Golf Pro Has Heart' offers a fascinating blend of personal anecdotes, professional golf insights, and relationship wisdom, making it an interesting read.

Impact - Why it Matters

Readers should care about 'The Golf Pro Has Heart' as it provides valuable insights into the secrets behind enduring relationships and the universal desire for ultimate happiness. It impacts them by offering a guide to unlocking the secrets of lasting happiness and providing an insider's view of the professional golf world.


John A. Gehrisch, a celebrated author and entrepreneur, has launched his latest book, 'The Golf Pro Has Heart,' which delves into the secrets behind enduring relationships and offers an insider's view of the professional golf world. Drawing from personal experiences, Gehrisch identifies 18 common traits that contribute to a fulfilling, happy, and loving long-term relationship, while also sharing valuable insights into the complexities of relationships and the universal desire for ultimate happiness. The book is available on Amazon and provides a guide to unlocking the secrets of lasting happiness.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by 24/7 Press Release. Read the source press release here, Author and Entrepreneur John A. Gehrisch Launches 'The Golf Pro Has Heart' on Amazon

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