Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
April 01, 2024

Arhasi Unveils AI Chatbot Service for GenAI Engineers


  • Arhasi's complimentary service grants organizations immediate access to an intelligent AI chatbot, providing an advantage in use case development.
  • Arhasi's AI chatbot simplifies creation of input prompts for Large Language Models through cutting-edge industry templates, enhancing GenAI engineers' ability.
  • Arhasi's commitment to enterprise social responsibility is evident in the launch of the complimentary service, aiming to reduce time needed to develop GenAI solutions.
  • Arhasi's innovative AI solutions include projects integrating Digital Twins with AI and protecting interconnected AI systems from cyber threats, making it an interesting and educational development.

Impact - Why it Matters

The launch of Arhasi's complimentary service, Prompt Fabricator, is significant for organizations looking to streamline the development of AI solutions. It offers a valuable tool for GenAI engineers to expedite use case development and create finely crafted input prompts for Large Language Models, ultimately advancing the capabilities of AI systems. This move by Arhasi demonstrates their commitment to enterprise social responsibility and their dedication to delivering integrated, secure, and governed AI solutions.


Arhasi, a leader in AI security, governance, and compliance, has unveiled a complimentary service called Prompt Fabricator to enhance GenAI engineers' ability to expedite use case development. The service provides organizations with an intelligent AI chatbot, simplifying the creation of input prompts for Large Language Models (LLM) through industry templates. Arhasi's innovation studio is also developing projects that integrate Digital Twins with AI to enhance real-time response capabilities and focus on protecting interconnected AI systems from cyber threats.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by BlockchainWire. Read the source press release here, Arhasi Unveils AI Chatbot Service for GenAI Engineers

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