Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Edoxaban Found Equally Effective as Warfarin in Preventing Stroke and Blood Clots After Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Edoxaban, an oral anticoagulant, found equally effective as warfarin in preventing stroke and blood clots after heart valve replacement surgery. This has the potential to simplify treatment and improve patients' quality of life.

Edoxaban Found Equally Effective as Warfarin in Preventing Stroke and Blood Clots After Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

This news matters as it provides an alternative to warfarin for patients after heart valve replacement surgery, potentially simplifying treatment and improving the quality of life for patients during the crucial first few months after surgery.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x935f7bcb9e4b223205ff98464b7ff85996a11a5a88ebe21549a26f50dfe70fbb
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintvolts294-01d18ccbc8ac6d34d6de7842201217b1