Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Innovative Rehab Program for Professionals Launched by Profound Treatment in Woodland Hills

Profound Treatment introduces Rehab Program for Professionals in Woodland Hills, offering confidential treatment options and flexible scheduling. Learn more about the comprehensive addiction and mental health care provided by Profound Treatment.

Innovative Rehab Program for Professionals Launched by Profound Treatment in Woodland Hills

This news matters as it highlights a specialized rehab program designed for professionals facing addiction and mental health challenges. By offering confidential and flexible treatment options, Profound Treatment aims to support individuals in achieving sustainable recovery while continuing their professional responsibilities. The emphasis on holistic health and relapse prevention strategies underscores the importance of addressing the unique needs of working professionals in overcoming addiction.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x68780cdcc540e0d9e801b90308c1d92724361cba7305d8113e35e720bd13fa5c
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintlineZNno-9a0bb936a183325fc1617f8d6c875b65