Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Alikson Group Acquires Apart Sharing, Expands into Contactless Apartment Rentals

Alikson Group secures a $10 million acquisition deal to expand into the contactless apartment rentals market, acquiring Apart Sharing, a leading Russian company in the industry.

Alikson Group Acquires Apart Sharing, Expands into Contactless Apartment Rentals

The acquisition of Apart Sharing by Alikson Group signifies a major expansion into the contactless apartment rentals market, providing more accessibility to residential properties across Russia and CIS. This move has the potential to transform the rental industry in the region and improve the quality of life for residents by offering convenient access to housing.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x93d593314baefa2df8c61bd8cf9d3b757f038bd14f0e21fc1b775b25d11daeea
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintcornBfg9-042929ca7a14b2d0890023830a47468e