Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Mailsoftly Unveils New Developments to Empower Businesses with Enhanced Email Marketing Capabilities

Mailsoftly unveils new developments including email templates, CloudFlare partnership, and Zapier integration to empower businesses with enhanced email marketing capabilities.

Mailsoftly Unveils New Developments to Empower Businesses with Enhanced Email Marketing Capabilities

The announcement of Mailsoftly's new developments is important for businesses looking to improve their email marketing efforts. The new email templates, CloudFlare partnership, and Zapier integration offer enhanced capabilities to save time, improve engagement, and drive better results. This empowers businesses of all sizes to create professional and compelling emails, improve email deliverability and security, and automate marketing workflows seamlessly.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x8c81cc3b8e9d1ceaba504efcb4507a477357d8cf2c8f5d75e1be1aab4d8937a9
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintbossx2P6-397d3a5946938078b062792d7ce98a43