Blockchain Registration Transaction Record Achieves Global Recognition with Nasdaq Display achieves global recognition with its logo and brand featured on the iconic Nasdaq big screen in Times Square, New York. This high-profile display signals the platform's continued growth and commitment to shaping the future of online trading and investment. As one of the most recognizable financial institutions in the world, Nasdaq provides a platform that connects investors, traders, and financial professionals across the globe. Achieves Global Recognition with Nasdaq Display's appearance on the Nasdaq big screen is a landmark achievement, symbolizing its growing influence in the global financial ecosystem and commitment to providing innovative solutions to traders and investors worldwide. This showcases the platform's dedication to connecting traders to the financial markets with innovative, accessible, and cost-effective solutions, reinforcing its position as a reliable and innovative choice for both novice and experienced traders.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x288e75a79a59fc925927fc8d719e5a995f925715eb00cd2887427fb063b16e3b
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintcakegd72-593c40979da094317f1de63f2e412fe2