Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Opawica Explorations Pursues Growth in Abitibi Gold Belt with Bazooka Property Campaign

Opawica Explorations Inc. embarks on ambitious growth plans in the Abitibi gold belt with Bazooka Property exploration campaign, targeting high-grade gold areas. The company's strategic initiatives align with Lac Gold's recent acquisition, underscoring the region's appeal for mineral exploration and potential resource valuation.

Opawica Explorations Pursues Growth in Abitibi Gold Belt with Bazooka Property Campaign

This news is significant as it showcases Opawica Explorations' strategic focus on expanding its presence in the Abitibi gold belt through high-potential exploration activities. The company's efforts, coupled with the recent benchmark set by Lac Gold's acquisition, highlight the growing interest and potential in the region for valuable mineral resources.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xae7abb1722999c0a5912c726f70a966f0870b013e19c812653685ea93a268fc4
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintlendbxzP-45f9c2f4581785e3c57f66a6b9db14b1