Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

United Health Products Updates Regulatory and Capital Markets Activities

United Health Products provides crucial updates on regulatory and capital market activities, showcasing progress towards market access with its hemostatic agent. Learn about the latest advancements and funding strategies for UHP's potential entry into the human surgical market.

United Health Products Updates Regulatory and Capital Markets Activities

This news matters as it provides insights into UHP's progress towards accessing the human surgical market with its hemostatic agent. The updates on regulatory approvals and capital funding indicate significant advancements in the company's development and potential market entry.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x7fe6c99f96da2a2ed207021534fd7df8b451041eac9ca5855f224be39b0f3897
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintheal5slw-45cf63824f3e103cc883bc0a3af96a51