Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Sryptoswap Wins Best Centralized Trading Platform Award

Sryptoswap receives Best Centralized Trading Platform award at the International Blockchain Summit, showcasing the company's commitment to innovation, security, and user experience.

Sryptoswap Wins Best Centralized Trading Platform Award

This news matters as it highlights Sryptoswap's commitment to innovation, security, and user experience. It impacts users by assuring them of a highly efficient, reliable, and secure trading platform, with a focus on providing an unparalleled trading experience and ensuring asset security and privacy protection.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x1ccab6fac11c4772b18c4c4a2f5759acbd760ccf61c007189b9cf494725b3018
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintclubOBTK-a93587e5f0945779fe61ab8b00cc4407