Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Ballast Rock Launches Sunbelt Multifamily Fund III LP

Ballast Rock launches Sunbelt Multifamily Fund III LP, targeting a $100 million raise for the fund to focus on acquiring and renovating a diversified portfolio of workforce multifamily properties in the U.S. Southeast, addressing uncertainties in the real estate market.

Ballast Rock Launches Sunbelt Multifamily Fund III LP

The launch of Sunbelt Multifamily Fund III LP by Ballast Rock provides an opportunity for investors to participate in acquiring and renovating workforce multifamily properties in the U.S. Southeast. This initiative aims to address the uncertainties in the real estate market and generate long-term value for stakeholders.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x6fb8df9c0883cb6bc7230bebd8a269e36d5c3eb160da51feb36df141cfaae9f0
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintswimq5E7-d578968b2a709615a6fb957ac6875154