Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Dentist and Jazz Musician Reveals Hidden History of Antique Quilt on Studio40 LIVE

Discover the captivating story of an antique quilt linked to the Underground Railroad shared by Dr. John Allen on Studio40 LIVE. Learn about the coded symbols, the book detailing its legacy, and the importance of preserving historical narratives for unity and awareness.

Dentist and Jazz Musician Reveals Hidden History of Antique Quilt on Studio40 LIVE

This news highlights the significance of preserving historical legacies like the Underground Railroad and promotes unity and awareness of the past. Dr. Allen's research sheds light on a unique piece of history with potential ties to a critical part of American history.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x8ebd41322f2071c8b53302e59983389a3652f7251e74abc167b346933f2c656e
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintnukeHhIv-568c6efeb77c52b0e1bcc6e2f45390be