Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Award-winning Three Ships Beauty Raises $2.5 Million to Expand in US Market

Three Ships Beauty secures $2.5 million funding to expand in US market, invest in marketing, and strengthen team. Co-founders express excitement over the opportunity to reach more customers and build awareness around their natural, effective skincare products.

Award-winning Three Ships Beauty Raises $2.5 Million to Expand in US Market

The news of Three Ships Beauty raising $2.5 million is important as it signifies the brand's continued success and growth in the competitive skincare industry. The funding will allow the company to reach more customers with their natural, effective skincare products and further their commitment to transparency and sustainability. This impacts consumers as it means increased accessibility to high-quality, eco-friendly skincare options, as well as potential job opportunities as the company strengthens its team with strategic hires.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x119ad8bbc1ee09965b191d52c56d215339aea19faf1d10cf8996488165bfab92
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintswimkpdy-389a6c84f69b40200a46e595e8fd9d3c