Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Silex Holdings Inc. Hires Mark Gould as Tulsa Division Manager

Silex Holdings Inc. announces the hiring of Mark Gould as the Tulsa Division Manager and the launch of new products, including cabinetry, doors, wood flooring, fireplaces, and hardware. The strategic expansion and addition of Gould could impact the construction and industrial services sectors.

Silex Holdings Inc. Hires Mark Gould as Tulsa Division Manager

This news matters as it highlights the strategic expansion and introduction of new products and services by Silex Holdings Inc., potentially impacting the construction and industrial services sectors. The addition of Mark Gould and the launch of new products could lead to increased growth and profitability for the company.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xe5b54ac61d187da4cae636556de0777c59192e1319b64cf1ed7b317d2048bda0
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintmintIqxC-819b0b8ce2413266fb587d1647d55751