Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

WebCE® Expands Insurance Continuing Education to U.S. Virgin Islands

WebCE® expands its insurance continuing education to the U.S. Virgin Islands, offering comprehensive courses in Life and Health and Property and Casualty with a focus on ethics. Licensees can easily fulfill their CE requirements and grow their careers with high-quality online courses.

WebCE® Expands Insurance Continuing Education to U.S. Virgin Islands

<p>Professionals in the U.S. Virgin Islands can now access high-quality online insurance continuing education courses through WebCE®, helping them meet new CE requirements and grow their careers. This expansion provides licensees with the opportunity to align their professional development goals with the new insurance CE requirements, ensuring they stay up-to-date with industry standards and regulations.</p>

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x23329ec3430ea1acc88176ed212ccc80dae59870ef3e551589b601b922748fc5
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintyarnFzeu-e5370cb9c21e79bb6d6a117964680dfa