Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

RChilli Announces Breakthrough in Slovak Language Parsing Technology

RChilli, the global leader in parsing technology, announces the ability to parse in Slovak language, catering to the diverse linguistic needs of the recruitment industry. The company's innovative enhancement reflects its commitment to providing world-class solutions for multilingual talent.

RChilli Announces Breakthrough in Slovak Language Parsing Technology

The ability to parse in Slovak language is a significant breakthrough for RChilli, empowering recruiters to efficiently analyze and manage resumes in this language. This innovation reflects the company's commitment to providing world-class solutions for multilingual talent, ultimately streamlining the recruitment process for organizations operating in the region.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xd03b9162d59b726ec9c33bcb2a2b8973a4afecd6909a0f9d0e354c14dd7f0c81
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintchipxR4N-2321d43c060a28b7cd3b7a5f021ebf23