Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

ProCap Hosts Successful Summit in Vietnam, Launches Luminex Payment Gateway

ProCap hosts successful summit in Vietnam, trials System 7 Formula, and launches Luminex Payment Gateway, showcasing innovation and impacting the financial services industry.

ProCap Hosts Successful Summit in Vietnam, Launches Luminex Payment Gateway

This news matters as it showcases ProCap's innovative gaming system and the launch of a disruptive payment gateway, impacting the financial services industry and end-consumers.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x5f6f6c6fefc9a0fc0f4cf67778787e7848a0a1d936f0c2e424a7d9428315628c
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintboldIlB4-69e4e6713a212784f50dbfe25dd465f3