Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Hailo Raises $120M and Introduces Hailo-10 AI Accelerator to Bring GenAI to Edge Devices

Hailo raises $120M in funding and introduces Hailo-10 AI accelerator, bringing GenAI to edge devices. The news highlights the growing investment and interest in AI chip technology, potentially revolutionizing the way AI is integrated into daily life and impacting various sectors.

Hailo Raises $120M and Introduces Hailo-10 AI Accelerator to Bring GenAI to Edge Devices

The news is significant as it highlights the growing investment and interest in AI chip technology, addressing the global chip shortage and expanding the reach of GenAI applications. Hailo's innovative accelerators will empower users to run GenAI applications locally, without relying on cloud-based services, potentially revolutionizing the way AI is integrated into daily life and impacting various sectors such as automotive, security, and industry 4.0.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xdc9f34ea8425677216b67ca511734c115fd50db7c1c822eb58dd93a1721a40a9
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintgulfTuG3-39fe81ff4e3c2e1e5b22df3f2b6912a7