Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

RChilli Achieves Milestone by Adding Taleo to Oracle Integrations

RChilli, a leader in HR Tech, achieves a major milestone by integrating Taleo into its Oracle solutions, offering improved candidate engagement and streamlined hiring processes. This breakthrough marks RChilli as a trailblazer in the Oracle ecosystem, revolutionizing talent acquisition and recruitment.

RChilli Achieves Milestone by Adding Taleo to Oracle Integrations

The integration of Taleo by RChilli marks a significant advancement in the HR Tech space, offering Oracle users the opportunity to improve candidate engagement and streamline their hiring processes. This milestone underscores RChilli's commitment to customer satisfaction and its dedication to providing innovative solutions for talent acquisition teams. The impact of this achievement will be felt by organizations and candidates seeking a more efficient and engaging recruitment experience.

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Contract Address0x81d401321A7c3afd535F7E26F5FdEbBA14D1D6dd
Transaction ID0xaa923546db8f64c0994a631f5e8d7b1dfd46c46b161608d06c7e0fe18d58c100
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintoval8Xup-e5330285d1a01a5a30fba578a0fabf49