Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

US SIF Appoints Jennifer Coombs as Head of Content and Development

US SIF appoints Jennifer Coombs as Head of Content and Development, showcasing the organization's commitment to sustainable investing education and industry leadership.

US SIF Appoints Jennifer Coombs as Head of Content and Development

This news highlights the growing importance of sustainable investing in the financial sector and the efforts of US SIF to educate professionals in this field.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x30933e5117f0be0bf8b4d010a3384ab5789b4d320ffda8c066b8c30e6a96dacb
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintseekJ3M1-47e6c39dde355ed8864a327dd98265c8