Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Introducing the People's Autonomous Economy: A Solution to AI-Driven Wealth Disparity

Discover the People's Autonomous Economy, a revolutionary system introduced by MAXBRUCE, OpenAI, and Anthropic to address AI-induced wealth inequality. Learn how CETEs can reshape economic structures and ensure fair value distribution for all participants.

Introducing the People's Autonomous Economy: A Solution to AI-Driven Wealth Disparity

This news matters as it presents a groundbreaking solution to the widening wealth gap caused by AI technology. By implementing CETEs, the economic system can be transformed to benefit all participants, aligning with OpenAI and Anthropic's mission of ensuring AI benefits humanity. It offers a unique chance to shape a new economic landscape that reflects the advancements in technology.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x6405f2db8759e468b297b405931d3e2c30d0e88a0826dd369024280525fa2538
NewsRamp Digital FingerprinttallHcaw-f4b4b7463f9f555b6c2e45c8e3b4280e