Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

UGI Utilities Offers Safety Tips and Energy Conservation Advice for Cold Weather

Stay safe and save on energy costs with UGI Utilities' safety tips and energy conservation advice for cold weather. Learn how to protect your home and prepare for extreme conditions.

UGI Utilities Offers Safety Tips and Energy Conservation Advice for Cold Weather

This news matters because it provides valuable information on how to stay safe and prepare for extreme weather conditions. By following the tips provided by UGI Utilities, customers can safeguard their homes, reduce energy costs, and be better prepared for potential service interruptions.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x76d3e24863643f2cd10a8a91a210bcb87fd2071a61f92ba0164ff50c0a798c0a
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintglowtCNu-c99b03fbc0e3cedf81886d0880d86f16