Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Revolutionary Scheduling Product Launched by introduces an innovative scheduling product designed to streamline interview coordination for talent teams and candidates. The new feature includes self-booking interviews, tailored calendar invites, and integration with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Revolutionary Scheduling Product Launched by

This news is important for both talent teams and candidates as it introduces a revolutionary scheduling product that will streamline the interview coordination process. By providing features such as self-booking interviews and tailored calendar invites, the product aims to improve efficiency and organization for all users. This will ultimately enhance the candidate experience and streamline the recruitment process, impacting the way talent teams and candidates engage with each other.

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Contract Address0x05306894C50E3d899A95fd8BA279aB4eE5F3b7F4
Transaction ID0xc735e02c8fb89778dc7a75c65b598b973f5fb988478afe007be0dc9b3f55de97
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintfaceBV51-fe7df2bdabfdab279e512450f02a4ce9