Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Culinary Institute of the Pacific Collaborates with CIA for New Workforce Program

Culinary Institute of the Pacific partners with CIA to launch new workforce and professional development program. The initiative aims to uplift culinary education and talent pipeline in Hawaiʻi.

Culinary Institute of the Pacific Collaborates with CIA for New Workforce Program

The collaboration between the Culinary Institute of the Pacific and CIA signifies a commitment to excellence in culinary education and workforce development. This initiative will not only enrich the culinary landscape in Hawaiʻi but also ensure a robust talent pipeline for the foodservice and hospitality industry in the islands.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xf3043ed73fdbacea944c74c61ab6dd4bc2f4a18397d640b9b70511f79d726226
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintmossBydT-08dcb7db8f66f4d7914c85e4e96ea75d