Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Copper Prices Surge to 14-Month High as Abitibi Metals Corp. Positions for Growth

Copper prices surge to a 14-month high, driven by supply risks and economic recovery hopes. Abitibi Metals Corp. (CSE:AMQ) (OTCQB:AMQFF) positions for growth with a historical high-grade deposit and fully funded drill program.

Copper Prices Surge to 14-Month High as Abitibi Metals Corp. Positions for Growth

The surge in copper prices and the growth plans of Abitibi Metals Corp. have significant implications for the global copper market and renewable energy sector. Investors and industry stakeholders should closely monitor the developments in the copper market as it could impact investment decisions and the future of renewable energy.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x176307899edabe48c9574b737b9525c2fb5682d2fcdd9d7dd11d70927a9057f6
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintfrog6Ve0-24c4a0f6aa9f27a83903faab175f545a