Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Jeff the Liquidator Committed to Auctioning Donated Items in Support of Memorial Ribbon Society

Jeff the Liquidator and Direct Liquidation commit to auctioning off donated items in support of the Memorial Ribbon Society, providing scholarships and assistance to the families of fallen Police and Peace Officers throughout Canada.

Jeff the Liquidator Committed to Auctioning Donated Items in Support of Memorial Ribbon Society

The news is important as it highlights a charitable initiative led by Jeff the Liquidator to support the families of fallen Police and Peace Officers throughout Canada. The upcoming auction provides an opportunity for people to participate in a noble cause while also acquiring unique items. This initiative has a direct impact on the families and children of fallen law enforcement officers, providing them with scholarships and assistance during difficult times.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x670ab16ee62d4fc0c83e210093e6d17c4519e7da4c5a8751601ae2f7dcfde855
NewsRamp Digital FingerprinticywWZ_-5d25402e5d81ed955be23cdd0d7786b7