Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Inclusionism: Finally! - A Groundbreaking Book on the Future of Capitalism

Discover a groundbreaking book, Inclusionism: Finally!, offering a radical blueprint for the future of capitalism. Co-authored by MAXBRUCE and advanced AI systems, the book introduces a new economic philosophy centered around Consumer Earned Tokens (CETEs).

Inclusionism: Finally! - A Groundbreaking Book on the Future of Capitalism

This news matters as it showcases a unique collaboration between human and machine intelligence to reimagine the economic landscape. The book's proposal for a parallel system where technology amplifies human potential is a timely response to the impending AI revolution and economic disruptions.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x209d08c7ea319ece8c8b3e847c1fa6ff3a22a8d76ba678ca74171b6b8edebae2
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintmossZkAS-18e1abb0712880d5d268924f70bf1f11