Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

American Heart Association and NFL Foundation Incentivize Students to Learn CPR

American Heart Association and NFL Foundation collaborate to incentivize students to learn Hands-Only CPR, offering Super Bowl LIX tickets and $10,000 physical education makeovers for schools. The initiative aims to increase awareness and education around CPR, potentially saving lives in cardiac emergencies.

American Heart Association and NFL Foundation Incentivize Students to Learn CPR

This news matters as it highlights the importance of CPR education and how it can significantly increase survival rates for cardiac emergencies. The partnership aims to equip more individuals with the knowledge and skills to respond in a cardiac emergency, ultimately saving lives. By incentivizing students and schools, the initiative seeks to create a culture of preparedness and empower communities to act as lifesavers.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x2ccf44a31b223df7a245e421ec1a7b254f726d9310131f7361620e5c6187c73a
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintovalArSY-02ab0e61fab91a0ada0954d2a3943869