Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Quarden Launches Crypto Commerce Hub for Digital and Physical Goods

Quarden launches the Crypto Commerce Hub, a next-generation e-commerce platform for cryptocurrency holders to shop for digital and physical goods using their crypto assets. This innovative infrastructure merges blockchain technology with traditional commerce, creating a seamless and accessible shopping experience for digital asset enthusiasts.

Quarden Launches Crypto Commerce Hub for Digital and Physical Goods

This news matters as it revolutionizes the e-commerce landscape by offering a next-generation platform for cryptocurrency holders to shop for digital and physical goods using their crypto assets. It impacts the digital community by providing a unique and inclusive marketplace for crypto users, bridging the gap between digital and physical commerce.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xa548dabf70638e4044493ee38a9683fc6a67528f04fbdf109ec002cf05eff2db
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintdune0VjY-2620ae3e33a1450a66b8e5e5505af39d