Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Region Security Guarding Wins National Diversity and Inclusion Award for Leading the Way in Workplace Inclusivity

Region Security Guarding wins the Diversity & Inclusion Award for its commitment to workforce diversity and inclusion, setting a new benchmark for the security industry. With over 80% of its workforce from BAME backgrounds, the company showcases the importance of creating an inclusive work environment.

Region Security Guarding Wins National Diversity and Inclusion Award for Leading the Way in Workplace Inclusivity

This news highlights the importance of creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, showcasing how Region Security Guarding is setting a new standard for the security industry. By prioritizing accessibility and inclusivity, the company is not only reshaping its own workforce but also inspiring change across the sector, emphasizing the benefits of a diverse and inclusive work environment.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xde56ac526360618790c3517edbcee590fc977cf351081e92ff69a71c7d27d288
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintriftAnRg-943b699b2fc83ba37af4370378048907