Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Zenatech Acquires Warehouse Software Companies for AI-Driven Inventory Management Solution

Zenatech announces acquisition of warehouse software companies for integration with AI drone solution, revolutionizing inventory management.

Zenatech Acquires Warehouse Software Companies for AI-Driven Inventory Management Solution

This news matters as it signifies a significant development in the field of inventory management, which could lead to improved efficiency and accuracy in warehouse operations. It also highlights the increasing role of AI and drone technology in streamlining business processes.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x84c1391aa0407076d95b4e922b1d3bea63c09e89998d595d45500dd09991ef21
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintherbkXVS-c22f0e058dd2ae3f37492d2ff74313e4