Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

American Heart Association and NBA Players Team Up to Promote CPR Education and Readiness

American Heart Association and NBA players join forces to promote CPR education and readiness, aiming to increase survival rates for sudden cardiac arrest. Learn how this collaboration is empowering communities to act fast and save lives. Find out more about the 2025 Nation of Lifesaver NBA/G League Ambassador Class and their efforts in CPR education.

American Heart Association and NBA Players Team Up to Promote CPR Education and Readiness

This news matters as it highlights the critical role of CPR in saving lives during sudden cardiac arrests. By increasing awareness and confidence in performing CPR, more people can be empowered to take life-saving action in emergencies. The collaboration between the American Heart Association and NBA players serves as a reminder of the importance of CPR education and readiness for the general public.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xcb6259e307de813729a4160e8e6af1d8c16e6a3997a2c0f429578a0cb1addf9b
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintelleuxRh-5bd7e9f0be0bb288999ab90ce7aa14b5