Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

I-ON Digital Corp. Delays Annual Report Filing

I-ON Digital Corp. (OTC: IONI) delays filing its Annual Report on Form 10-K, raising questions about financial performance and highlighting its role in asset digitization and securitization.

I-ON Digital Corp. Delays Annual Report Filing

The delay in filing the Annual Report on Form 10-K by I-ON Digital Corp. may impact investor confidence and raise questions about the company's financial performance. This news also sheds light on the company's role in providing innovative solutions for asset digitization and securitization, potentially influencing the future of wealth transfer and new asset-backed financial instruments.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x25abe60d58101ff4bf718608837d49c3bb9af8dc02c4753d1fd197510f010c0c
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintwall4Puq-5518d2f1a19750f4f41b7e1f711aabe3