Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Amesite's NurseMagic™ App Addresses Nursing Shortages and Turnover with AI-Powered Support

Amesite's NurseMagic™ app is revolutionizing the healthcare industry with AI-powered support for nurses, addressing critical shortages and high turnover. With a 27% increase in users and 830% growth in registered users, NurseMagic™ is making a significant impact in providing essential assistance to healthcare professionals.

Amesite's NurseMagic™ App Addresses Nursing Shortages and Turnover with AI-Powered Support

NurseMagic™ is making a significant impact by offering much-needed support to overworked nurses and caregivers, ultimately helping to alleviate high turnover and shortages in the profession. The app's rapid growth and positive user feedback demonstrate its value in providing essential assistance to healthcare professionals, ultimately improving patient care.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x8cedb07eb609baf805ca2bef164b463fdd23efe15980b84408c570c00d6aba04
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintmailpqSf-71221deb65f931a9f75d349dfdfe5518