Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

WebCE Wins Silver Stevie Award for Contact Center of the Year

WebCE receives Silver Stevie Award for Contact Center of the Year, showcasing excellence in customer service and support. Learn more about how their proactive approach sets them apart.

WebCE Wins Silver Stevie Award for Contact Center of the Year

This news highlights the consistent excellence of WebCE's support team and their dedication to providing outstanding customer service. It underscores the importance of personalized and attentive support in driving customer satisfaction and organizational success.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x05bd5451a18ba4ab0c45cec5cd04e1bd11ca2a61ce9a251edcd59738d3dabf33
NewsRamp Digital FingerprinteachaJRW-aad04d424b8e4ab76265379deba59cc9