Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Plastics Pipe Institute Seeks Director of Sustainability & Advocacy

The Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI) is seeking a Director of Sustainability & Advocacy to champion sustainable plastic pipe systems and drive positive change. This essential position will impact the development and design of plastic pipe and conduit systems.

Plastics Pipe Institute Seeks Director of Sustainability & Advocacy

This news matters as it highlights the crucial role of sustainable plastic pipe systems in creating infrastructure for the future. The Director of Sustainability & Advocacy will drive positive change and play a vital role in government advocacy efforts, ultimately impacting the development and design of plastic pipe and conduit systems.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x954f3a8195f2c27fb73f607d15a337dbac0fc7e5e656cfafc5948d1781b48cd9
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintjazzlk09-563a5abb9290ed064ea08ce148c9c5b3