Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

U.S. Ferrosilicon Producers Fight Unfairly Traded Imports

CCMA and Ferroglobe file petitions with Commerce and ITC to stop unfairly traded ferrosilicon imports from Russia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, and Brazil, alleging material injury to U.S. industry

U.S. Ferrosilicon Producers Fight Unfairly Traded Imports

The petitions filed by CCMA and Ferroglobe are significant as they aim to protect the U.S. industry from unfair trade practices and subsidies, ultimately safeguarding American jobs and communities. If successful, the outcome of these cases will ensure fair competition and a level playing field for American producers, allowing them to continue operating without the threat of unfair imports impacting their businesses.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xa9d04465485b2ea8da0e788a7d3e23d028c95a421d2b811386ca494de5353665
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintriceCJVI-017572b34985687e6d415245d718fd1e