Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

RAIR Technologies Launches Open-Source RAIRprotocol for Scalable dApps

RAIR Technologies introduces RAIRprotocol, an open-source dApp protocol layer enabling scalable dApps through a unique token licensing model. The protocol offers out-of-the-box partnerships and integrations, revolutionizing Web3 development.

RAIR Technologies Launches Open-Source RAIRprotocol for Scalable dApps

Enterprises can now gain a strategic advantage by integrating directly with the RAIRprotocol code, fostering scalability and innovation through a distinctive token licensing model. The protocol also allows new developers to build onchain starting with a fully working box, speeding up the onboarding process to Web3.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x2bad56530f9255f9c8c9242eac1ddb14e8980e8ca22bde3e61ab7d39374bbdd7
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintpond0NZa-945c064fd6684de1b57ae8c2ad99df4f