Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Canada Royal Enoch's Redsenol-1 Plus Listed in NCI Drug Dictionary for Cancer Research Advancement

Canada Royal Enoch Phytomedicine's Redsenol-1 Plus now listed in NCI Drug Dictionary, showcasing its potential in oncology. This breakthrough could revolutionize cancer treatment with rare ginsenosides.

Canada Royal Enoch's Redsenol-1 Plus Listed in NCI Drug Dictionary for Cancer Research Advancement

This news matters as it signifies a significant breakthrough in cancer research with the inclusion of Redsenol-1 Plus in a prestigious database. The unique rare ginsenosides in the supplement could potentially revolutionize cancer treatment and supportive care, offering hope to patients worldwide.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x14e68e4282c1d729682f74265be750806248b4cc350d65d34b383ee115dd49ac
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintmildUt1e-eafd02f85602775cc11f1cc98837dc68