Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

IMA Action Launches Campaign for Healthcare Reform with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Confirmation

IMA Action launches campaign for healthcare reform with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. confirmation. Advocating for transparency and evidence-based care in healthcare decision-making. Prioritizing patient interests over corporate influences.

IMA Action Launches Campaign for Healthcare Reform with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Confirmation

This news matters as it highlights efforts to improve transparency and integrity in healthcare decision-making. The campaign seeks to prioritize evidence-based care and advocate for the patient's best interests over corporate influences in the system.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x553a57029b12ad1c62704e4b79346c2dc8359e14465705ffb099221fdaf77e63
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintharp4l_c-4b132605ad6cb3453588e55d2168d734