Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Hydrogen Utopia CEO Discusses Advances in Cannabis Operation and Future Hydrogen Projects

Hydrogen Utopia CEO discusses progress at the company’s cannabis operation in Macedonia, highlighting successful harvests and ongoing developments. The company is preparing for EU GMP certification audits to enter the European market at higher certification levels, potentially allowing for a higher product price point.

Hydrogen Utopia CEO Discusses Advances in Cannabis Operation and Future Hydrogen Projects

The news highlights the progress and success of Hydrogen Utopia International PLC in their cannabis operation in Macedonia, as well as their preparations for future hydrogen projects. This is important as it shows the company's strategic growth and potential entry into the European market, which could impact the industry and investors. Additionally, the financial success of Ohrid Organics could potentially fund the company's first waste plastics hydrogen facility, indicating a significant milestone in their sustainability efforts.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x38ecf87c4ce2bf46c7ae8f2eafca82a0544e8d6390e793e242c26d6978ccd5c0
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintmintuAMO-c34e61265423f9430f89580ce9e17d67