Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Resonance Sports Acupuncture Expands to New Location in Golden, Colorado

Resonance Sports Acupuncture expands to a new location in Golden, Colorado, offering comprehensive care for athletes and active individuals.

Resonance Sports Acupuncture Expands to New Location in Golden, Colorado

This news matters as it highlights the expansion of a specialized clinic dedicated to providing holistic care for athletes and active individuals. The new location will enable the clinic to accommodate more clients while maintaining high standards of treatment and attention to detail, ultimately helping clients achieve their health and athletic goals.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x4038aeeceb20988048d6656b72b2b5c46e2c8cf0024ea6316bbeb36c9c5e2074
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintrubyXljM-dc4ea7d84bf906f42a2ed03dbb329c7b