Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Pangyo Techno Valley Hosts Global Accelerating Program Orientation for Startup Globalization

Pangyo Techno Valley's Global Accelerating Program Orientation showcases innovative startups and emphasizes the thriving startup ecosystem in Pangyo. The event highlights the support for international expansion and strong partnerships, contributing to the success and recognition of Korean startups globally.

Pangyo Techno Valley Hosts Global Accelerating Program Orientation for Startup Globalization

This news highlights the efforts of Pangyo Techno Valley to support startup globalization and foster international expansion. It showcases the innovative products and services of participating companies, emphasizing the thriving startup ecosystem in Pangyo. The strong partnerships and networking opportunities provided through the program can have a significant impact on the success and recognition of Korean startups worldwide.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x8ef57e10b93fd27021cbe555955496436ae01ddec8076a3f86163aec34003ab6
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintfineVsjD-9708f1c04f40d2cc4106bc6d8c1db1c5