Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

D-Wave Quantum Introduces New Hybrid Quantum Solver and Deploys Second U.S.-Based Advantage Quantum Computer

D-Wave Quantum introduces new hybrid quantum solver and deploys second U.S.-based Advantage quantum computer. These advancements are set to revolutionize workforce, manufacturing, and logistics optimization.

D-Wave Quantum Introduces New Hybrid Quantum Solver and Deploys Second U.S.-Based Advantage Quantum Computer

This news highlights D-Wave Quantum's significant advancements in quantum computing technology, with the introduction of a new hybrid quantum solver and the deployment of a second U.S.-based Advantage quantum computer. These developments are expected to have a positive impact on workforce, manufacturing, and logistics optimization, potentially revolutionizing business processes in those areas.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x37ec444d6b65d326fefc8496a1ad8c013a45ee4b6e0d10ea5bee4d4202e462b1
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintlossaEnN-743233d29bafc41e1096e93730ec8615