Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Debunking Mental Health Screening in Schools: Are Children Being Misdiagnosed?

During Children's Mental Health Week, the accuracy of psychiatric screenings for children is challenged by the Florida chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. Learn more about the potential risks and overdiagnosis in mental health screening in schools.

Debunking Mental Health Screening in Schools: Are Children Being Misdiagnosed?

This news raises important questions about the validity of mental health screenings in schools and the potential overdiagnosis of children. It sheds light on the influence of pharmaceutical companies in promoting psychiatric solutions, urging parents to advocate for real help for those in crisis.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x4b266d1525d24796d5ba1974dc7cff69640b3fbfe296c483c50da50547b9c956
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintoval9OTS-2ba76c551bb272ad544d4351f7359063