Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Historic Atlanta Hotel Apartments Restored Through Tax Credit Program

Learn how the restoration of historic Atlanta hotel apartments is driving economic development and offering affordable housing through the New Markets Tax Credit program. Discover the impact of the NMTC extension on underserved communities and the importance of preserving historic sites.

Historic Atlanta Hotel Apartments Restored Through Tax Credit Program

The restoration of the Waluhaje Hotel Apartments highlights the importance of preserving historic sites and providing resources to underserved communities. The New Markets Tax Credit program has been instrumental in driving economic development and creating jobs in low-income areas, demonstrating the positive impact of public-private partnerships. The extension of the NMTC program will continue to support community revitalization efforts and improve the lives of individuals in need.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x10454e29af728c59451050f0b57014c4d430a60d69460a09f414ff514c463eaf
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintneonzFbU-5e6f9473eabb22b42f6d9c0b43c52ff4