Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

MBANK KYRGYZSTAN Expands Banking Services with UAE Dirham Accounts

MBANK KYRGYZSTAN announces the opening of direct correspondent accounts in UAE dirhams with Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank and Mashreq Bank, expanding payment options for clients. Chairman Bektur Aliyev emphasizes client-centeredness and plans to further enhance global banking partnerships.

MBANK KYRGYZSTAN Expands Banking Services with UAE Dirham Accounts

This news highlights MBANK KYRGYZSTAN's commitment to providing diverse financial services to its customers, enabling them to access new payment opportunities and currency conversion options. The partnership with UAE banks signifies the bank's growing presence in the international market, offering clients more flexibility and convenience in their banking transactions.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x74117a7270e27244d09b715609bfc6efada9f179127dddfc1093485dd7e8b2af
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintharpReKZ-4c69f04bef91deb428626de0f342353e