Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Debate Sparks Over AI's Role in Art Creation

Debate sparks over AI's role in art creation, as Kevin Kang, founder of Coloring Kitchen, shares thoughts on the evolving nature of creation and the value of art in evoking emotions and stimulating thoughts.

Debate Sparks Over AI's Role in Art Creation

The debate on AI's involvement in art creation challenges longstanding beliefs about authorship and creativity, and invites artists and audiences to explore new perspectives. It highlights the evolving nature of creation and the value of art in evoking emotions and stimulating thoughts, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the artwork itself, not its origin.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xe00f3e8e97506bc1676f2d68707aa040665fd089d8112e2abc0ca605a4f5e856
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintknobcORq-6addc06010e89ceb9af2f7b0972b660b